Thursday, August 2, 2012

Trying to un-grid the grids?

It has been a busy week, since I am re-adjusting to having a full-time job. It was a little easier to spend 20 to 30 hours a week making art when I wasn't working. At the same time I generally work better under pressure, and having to focus during the now limited time I do have will hopefully lead to positive results. 

I finished my residency summary (you can find it on scribd, the link is on the right of this page) and got good feedback on that. Along with that I received some feedback on my blog from my advisor, and had my first meeting with my mentor last Friday. The most positive feedback so far seems to be centered around the layered grids of clouds, especially the more abstracted versions. I think the layered portraits, will be put on hold for a while. I am still interested in faces, but am not sure those work the way I would like them to. It really was just an exercise with images I already had on hand.

I have been thinking lots about how to display the cloud grids, and I am very interested in projection. For one, it will allow me to be more free with the size and scale. Second, my mentor mention the fact that by photographing clouds I am capturing light, by projection the images later I am releasing the light again. This creates an interesting circle that I want to explore further. 

Here are some images from the latest grid layer. I used the same fuji lift scans, but cropped the edges to attempt moving away from the pronounced rectangular shape of each image. I am not sure if this one is more successful than the first.

These are images 1, 3, 5, 9, 12, and 15. The last two are crops I took out of version 15 at 50% and 100%. I am really interested in how number 3 and 5 create new clouds out of the layers. Additionally, I like the transparency of the different layers. I also am really interested in what happens towards layer 15, the image almost disappears and it becomes more about the color and shapes that are created. I also am curious about the zoomed in crops and how very abstracted they are.

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